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The expenditures of the ensuing year may be estimated as follows, ...:
For Salaries of President + five Professors $12,500.00
For do. " Prof. Lee 1,200.00
For do. " Two Tutors 1,600.00
" " " Secretary + Treasurer 500.00
" Library 250.00
" Repairs of College 200.00
" Printing, Postage +c. 250.00
" Servant Hire 180.00
" Refunded Tuition 120.00
" Music at Commencement 100.00
" Maps Minerals + Fossils 250.00
" Periodicals publications 50.00
" Diplomas 45.00
" Gold Medals 27.00
" University Magazine 100.00
" Fire wood 120.00
" Incidental Expenses 20.00
Making the Sum of 17,612.00
From the receipts as estimated $23,591.13
Taken the estimated expenditures 17612.00
And you will have on the 1st of Aug. next the probable sum of 5,989.13
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