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- Text is exactly "An Ordinance, For the Regulation of Slaves in the Town of Athens
1. Be it ordained by the Commissioners of the Town of Athens, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That it shall be the duty of the Marshal to use every means in his power, to discover every violation of these State laws, referring to the selling of spirituous liquors to Slaves, and report the name or names of the offender or offenders forthwith to the Board of Commissioners, and also the name or names of such persons as may be summoned as witnesses.
2. And be it further ordained, &c., That it shall be the duty of the Marshal to whip all negroes caught away from their homes, within the corporate limits of Athens, fifteen minutes after the ringing of the bell for 9 o'clock, P.M. if in his opinion they deserve correction: Provided, that in execution of the aforesaid section, he shall not exceed the patrol laws of this state. "
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