The Negroes of Athens, GA
Thomas Jackson Woofter
The Bulletin of the University of Georgia
public domain
During the academic year 1912-1913 there was established in the
University of Georgia a Fellowship for the study of Negro problems
in the South. The resolution of the Trustees of the Phelps-Stokes
Fund in creating the Fellowship reads as follows:
"Whereas, Miss Caroline Phelps Stokes in establishing the Phelps-
Stokes Fund was especially solicitous to assist in improving the
condition of the negro, and
"Whereas, It is the conviction of the Trustees that one of the best
methods of forwarding this purpose is to provide means to enable
southern youth of broad sympathies to make a scientific study of the
negro and of his adjustment to American civilization,
"Resolved, That twelve thousand five hundred dollars ($12,500)
he given to the University of Georgia for the permanent endowment
of a research fellowship, on the following conditions:
"1. The University shall appoint annually a Fellow in Sociology,
for the study of the Negro. He shall pursue advanced studies under
the direction of the departments of Sociology, Economics, Education
or History, as may be determined in each case by the Chancellor.
The Fellowship shall yield $500, and shall, after four years, be
restricted to graduate students.
"2. Each Fellow shall prepare a paper or thesis embodying the
result of his investigations which shall be published by the University
with assistance from the income of the fund, any surplus remaining
being applicable to other objects incident to the main purpose of the
Fellowship. A copy of these resolutions shall be incorporated in
every publication issued under this foundation.
"3. The right to make all necessary regulations, not inconsistent
with the spirit and letter of these resolutions, is given to the Chan
cellor and Faculty, but no changes in the conditions of the foundation
can be made without the mutual consent both of the Trustees of the
University and of the Phelps-Stokes Fund."
I appointed as the first Fellow under this foundation Mr. T. J.
Woofter, Jr., a graduate of the University in the Class of 1912, and
placed the work for the year under the direction of Associate Pro
fessor R. P. Brooks, of the department of History. The present
study is published in pursuance of the requirement in the second
condition attached to the Fellowship.
Chancellor, University of Georgia
University of Georgia a Fellowship for the study of Negro problems
in the South. The resolution of the Trustees of the Phelps-Stokes
Fund in creating the Fellowship reads as follows:
"Whereas, Miss Caroline Phelps Stokes in establishing the Phelps-
Stokes Fund was especially solicitous to assist in improving the
condition of the negro, and
"Whereas, It is the conviction of the Trustees that one of the best
methods of forwarding this purpose is to provide means to enable
southern youth of broad sympathies to make a scientific study of the
negro and of his adjustment to American civilization,
"Resolved, That twelve thousand five hundred dollars ($12,500)
he given to the University of Georgia for the permanent endowment
of a research fellowship, on the following conditions:
"1. The University shall appoint annually a Fellow in Sociology,
for the study of the Negro. He shall pursue advanced studies under
the direction of the departments of Sociology, Economics, Education
or History, as may be determined in each case by the Chancellor.
The Fellowship shall yield $500, and shall, after four years, be
restricted to graduate students.
"2. Each Fellow shall prepare a paper or thesis embodying the
result of his investigations which shall be published by the University
with assistance from the income of the fund, any surplus remaining
being applicable to other objects incident to the main purpose of the
Fellowship. A copy of these resolutions shall be incorporated in
every publication issued under this foundation.
"3. The right to make all necessary regulations, not inconsistent
with the spirit and letter of these resolutions, is given to the Chan
cellor and Faculty, but no changes in the conditions of the foundation
can be made without the mutual consent both of the Trustees of the
University and of the Phelps-Stokes Fund."
I appointed as the first Fellow under this foundation Mr. T. J.
Woofter, Jr., a graduate of the University in the Class of 1912, and
placed the work for the year under the direction of Associate Pro
fessor R. P. Brooks, of the department of History. The present
study is published in pursuance of the requirement in the second
condition attached to the Fellowship.
Chancellor, University of Georgia
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